Welcome to the Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System (MAERS).
MAERS is the web-based application used in the collection of emission data from permitted sources/facilities in Michigan.
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Air Quality Division (AQD) maintains MAERS Reports for commercial,
industrial, and governmental sources of air pollution in Michigan.
MAERS Web Page
The MAERS web page serves as a clearinghouse for MAERS information.
The page provides an overview of the AQD, emissions reporting, contact information, MAERS forms, guidance documents and the MAERS User Guide.
The guide provides detailed instructions on completing the MAERS Report. You can access the MAERS web page at www.michigan.gov/maers.
Getting Started
In order to access MAERS, you will need to register for a user account by clicking on Self-Registration.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
or contact the Environmental Assistance Program at 800-662-9878.