Name and address information (current and historical) for a site, along with specifics such as owner / operator data, site activities, and institutional controls.
Details regarding utilization of solid waste in lieu of disposal, including recycling activities, composting registrations, eWaste recycler registrations, and Part 115 authorizations.
Compliance, Monitoring & Enforcement
Data necessary for determining a site's level of compliance with regulatory requirements, including inspections / evaluations, violations, and compliance actions (e.g. letters of warning, orders, civil or administrative actions, and/or criminal actions).
Permitting & Corrective Action
Permitting details for hazardous waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs), corrective action information for facilities found to have hazardous waste releases, and financial assurance cost estimates and mechanisms that permitted facilities have in place.
Monthly Operating Reports
Reports submitted by the owner or operator of the TSDF, summarizing all hazardous wastes treated or disposed of on-site, including the hazardous waste number of the wastes, quantity, method of treatment or disposal, and dates of treatment or disposal.
Assessments based upon hazardous waste activities at the site.
Permit and registration information for vehicles shipping hazardous and liquid industrial waste in the State of Michigan.